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Kid’s Eye Exams

Kids pay ZERO out of pocket for Eye Exams*

Kid’s under -19 can receive a comprehensive eye exam at no cost. The cost of a childs routine eye exams is covered by your Medical Service Plan (MSP) in British Columbia for children aged 18 and younger.

The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends that a child have their first exam at 6 months of age. A child should have a comprehensive exam by 3 years of age. All children should have an eye exam yearly.
Early eye exams are important. Children need the following visual skills that are essential for optical learning:

  • Excellent visual acuity at all distances
  • Accurate and comfortable eye teaming skills
  • Accurate eye movement skills
  • Accurate and comfortable focusing skills

Remember that appropriate vision testing at an early age is vital to insure your child has the visual skills he or she needs to perform well in school.

* Children 18 years and younger with a valid B.C. Medical Services Plan (MSP) Care Card never pay any additional fees for their eye exams, meaning you pay $0 out of pocket.

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